Casper Garos

Casper Garos studied both in the Netherlands (University of Leiden) and Canada (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS) and finished an MA in law/economics in 1986. After his studies, he started working for Royal Philips Electronics in 1986. In the first part of his career, he was involved in trade policy matters (introduce – or abolish – tariffs, anti-dumping measures, origin rules and customs nomenclature; eliminate investment barriers and trade fraud) at the national and the international government level. During this period he wrote a book on ‘‘Canada-U.S. Free Trade’’, published by the VU University Press in 1990.
From 1993 onward, Casper Garos fulfilled global leadership functions in strategic product marketing at Philips’ Components and Lighting divisions. He fulfilled these positions in various locations in both the Netherlands (Eindhoven, Zwolle) and the USA (Columbia, SC en Chicago, IL). In one of the positions at Components, he also was functionally responsible for a product marketing activity in Klagenfurt, Austria. In all of these positions, innovation and the introduction of new products to the market were a key element. From 2007 to date, Casper Garos is Senior Director External Partnerships at Philips Healthcare, based in Best, the Netherlands. In this position, he is responsible for setting up and coordinating public-private partnerships in the Netherlands and Europe for the various business units of Philips Healthcare, with a focus on enabling new innovations, collaborations and networks. Casper Garos has been a member of the Dutch Point-One innovation program’s Daily Management Committee and Program Board during 2007-2008. In addition, he is the business case owner of the Healthcare part of Point-One’s multi-annual roadmap and annual plan. He also is a member of the Industrial Advisory Committee of the RoboEarth FP7 project.

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