The mission of the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging (IDII) is to contribute to improving healthcare efficiency and effectiveness, by forefront scientific research and education in medical imaging and by innovative industrial development of image technology enabled healthcare solutions, for patient-tailored image-guided diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment.
This will be realised by meeting the following objectives:
- To establish and execute a coherent and internationally recognised research and development programme in medical imaging. The clinical focus of the programme will be on cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, and cancer, while the technology focus will be on high-precision technology for diagnostic and interventional high-field MR and hybrid imaging, and on integration and quantitative analysis of multidimensional images for diagnsotic and prognostic decision support.
- To train and supervise PhD students and postdocs to attain the level of qualified and independent researchers in line with the highest international standards.
- To offer an advanced and balanced educational programme of lectures, courses, seminars and workshops to MSc students, PhD students, academic postdocs and staff, and industrial researchers in the medical imaging field.
- To acquire funds from governmental, charitable and industrial sources to expand and advance the research programme.
- To strengthen the national and international position of the research by cooperation with related academic and industrial institutes.
- To transfer knowledge, methodology, software and technology from university research and from industrial R&D to industrial production and to clinical practice.

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