Hans Hofstraat

Hans Hofstraat completed his PhD thesis (Free University, Amsterdam) and post-doctoral work (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich, Switzerland) on low-temperature high-resolution luminescence spectroscopy. Subsequently he turned to marine environmental research, focusing on phytoplankton and eutrophication, and on organic trace contaminants, in the laboratory of the Dutch Public Works Department in Rijswijk, The Netherlands. He then moved to industry, conducting research in the areas of optical spectroscopy, photonic polymers and in-vitro diagnostics at Akzo Nobel Central Research in Arnhem, the Netherlands. From 1998-2008 Hans Hofstraat was part-time professor in the Institute of Molecular Chemistry at the University of Amsterdam. In 1998 he was also appointed department head at Philips Research in Eindhoven (the Netherlands), at first of the Department Polymers & Organic Chemistry, and subsequently of the Department BioMolecular Engineering.
In 2003 he was appointed Vice President Philips Research. In 2005 he became Sector Head Molecular Medicine in Philips Research Europe, and globally responsible for the Focal Area Molecular Medicine in Philips Research. Since January 15, 2007 he is responsible for Healthcare Strategic Partnerships in Philips Research worldwide, actively driving the Open Innovation approach to Philips’ Healthcare research program. Next to his work at Philips, Hans Hofstraat holds several positions in (inter)national advisory bodies. Amongst others he is member of the Advisory Group of the European FP7 research program on Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies (NMP), Member of the Advisory Board of EATRIS, the European Advanced Translational Infrastructure for Medicine (part of the European Science Foundation’s Research Infrastructure initiative), and Member of the External Advisory Board of the ERA-Net EuroNanoMed. At a national level he is Member of the Dutch Advisory Council on Health Research (RGO), and Initiator, and Chairman of the Advisory Board, of the Center for Translational Molecular Medicine, a Dutch-based public-private partnership. He is Member of the Advisory Committee to the ‘Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science’ at Utrecht University, and Member of the Advisory Board of the Department of BioMedical Technology of the Technical University Eindhoven. Hans Hofstraat authored about 190 publications with an h-index of 32. He holds 10 granted US patents, and a total of over 80 patent (application)s in various countries from 25 patent families in various fields.

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