Max Viergever, Technical scientific leader

Max Viergever received the MSc degree in applied mathematics in 1972 and the DSc degree in 1980, both from Delft University of Technology. Since 1988 he has been Professor and Head of the Department of Medical Imaging at Utrecht University and the UMC Utrecht, since 1989 Professor of Physics and since 1996 Professor of Computer Science at Utrecht University. As of 2002, he is Manager Education and Research of the Imaging Division of the University Medical Center Utrecht, which comprises all technical and medical education and research in radiology, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy and medical imaging. He has ample management experience, especially in management of research, at Delft University of Technology, at Utrecht University, at the University Medical Center Utrecht, as well as in a variety of functions at numerous national and international institutions. He has served on scientific advisory boards of several universities in Europe and the USA, and on expert assessment panels in 15 countries. Max Viergever established the Image Sciences Institute in Utrecht (, which now counts 15 faculty, 15 non-tenured research staff, 10 technical and administrative staff, and 40 PhD students. He has established the first graduate (PhD) school on medical imaging in The Netherlands (ImagO, 1998, and the first MSc programme on this subject in the new Bachelor/Master system of Dutch universities (BIS, 2003, Research subsidies acquired under his direction total over 125 M€ (with >25 M€ as PI). He has in addition a longstanding tradition (>30 years) of industrial collaborations, including research contracts with 27 companies. Research done and supervised by him has led to many industrial products, both in hardware and (mostly) in software. He is (co)author of >250 scientific articles in international journals and of >200 refereed full conference papers, (co)author/editor of 18 books, and supervisor of 94 PhD theses and >120 MSc theses. He has received 12 best paper awards and three citation awards – including a Scopus1000 Award – (IEEE TMI 1988, 1995, Medical Image Analysis 1998). He has >7700 citations and an h-index of 42 (Web of Science); in Google Scholar these figures are >15700 citations, h-index 53. Max Viergever is an Honorary Senator of the University of Ljubljana, an Honorary Member of the Dutch Society for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, a recipientof the Catharijne Award, and an Elected Fellow of IOP, IAPR, IEEE and MICCAI.

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